How to DIY a Wall Lamp Cord Cover

wall lamp cord cover

Cords can be unsightly, but there are many simple ways to hide them without sacrificing style. One of the best (and easiest) hacks to accomplish this is a wall lamp cord cover. You can easily DIY it, and it makes an instant difference to your space.

The first step is to get a cord cover that fits the size of the lamp potlamp you’re covering. You should choose a cord cover that is as thin as possible, but not so thin that it’s transparent. You can also use a cover made of a material that matches the color of your walls, if you want to make sure it blends in.

Next, you can decide what type of finish you’d like your wall lamp cord cover to have. You can choose from a variety of different finishes, including bronze, brass, and chrome. These are easy to match with the decor in a room.

Once you’ve chosen the right cord cover, you can start painting it. You can choose a paint that complements the colors in your home, or you can even choose a neutral shade that’ll blend in with any decor styles.

You can then spray the cord cover with the paint and let it dry completely before using it. This is an excellent way to get the color you want and make sure the cord cover is completely sealed.

Then, you can install the cord cover to the lamp. Just be careful to not use too much paint or else it will run down the cord and damage your walls.

Another great way to keep your cords hidden is to tuck them underneath a rug. This is especially great for rooms that have hard floors. But it can be used in other areas too, such as bathrooms and kitchens.

There are a few other simple things you can do to keep your cords hidden, too, including tucking them into corners, and putting them down the edge of your rug. These are all easy and inexpensive, and they’re a great way to make your home feel clean and uncluttered!

If you don’t mind getting creative, there are some other fun and unique ways to hide your cords. For example, some people like to put a lamp over the couch and then tuck the cords behind it. This is a cool look that can add dimension and a bit of personality to your decor.

A third way to hide your cords is to make a wall lamp cord cover that can be moved around. This is a great option if you have a lamp that sits on a desk or shelf that you move around a lot.

You can also use a wall lamp cord cover on a lampshade to add a little texture to your space. For example, you can purchase a cord cover with an antique-inspired design that will give your lamp a vintage look.

A more modern approach to a wall lamp cord cover is to go with an industrial design. This type of cord cover will blend in well with a contemporary, farmhouse, or minimalist decor scheme.

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